Free Classified Ads. Mon, 03 Mar 2025 17:56:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Free Classified Ads. 32 32 20 Days Old LG DVD Mon, 03 Mar 2025 17:56:22 +0000 20 Days Old LG DVD.

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i want sell 8 months old iPhone 7. Sat, 26 Oct 2024 02:07:55 +0000 […]]]> i want sell 8 months old iPhone 7.

i want cash Arjent.

Contact Only Hyderabad People.

i have bill and box With one year Warranty.

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Aswini hair oil is one of the best hair oil I have come across till now Thu, 10 Oct 2024 17:09:55 +0000 […]]]> Aswini hair oil is one of the best hair oil I have come across till now I appreciate this oil so much because it showed great results. Before using this hair oil my hair was terribly falling and dandruff was increased so much I was saddened after that one of my family member told me about this oil after using this oil for 1 month I got wonderful results my hair fall was completely down and dandruff
Was completely gone. This is a Ayurvedic oil. For the best results the oil should be kept overnight. It comes in different sizes. It should be kept away from the direct sunlight and should kept in cool and dry place. It also keeps your head cool. If your hair fall and dandruff has increased I recommend you to try once India’s best hair oil that is Aswini hair oil.

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Santoor classic handwash is the best mild handwash Tue, 08 Oct 2024 17:19:43 +0000 […]]]> Santoor classic handwash is the best mild handwash I’ve seen till now it is made up of sandalwood and tulsi it also comes in 3 variants but I like sandalwood and tulsi the most because it has sandal smell. This handwash has antioxidants and anti bacterial substance by which it keeps your germs free. It is available in packets and bottle.

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Parachute Ayurvedic is the No.1 hair oil to stop the hair fall Mon, 07 Oct 2024 03:00:42 +0000 […]]]> Parachute Ayurvedic is the No.1 hair oil to stop the hair fall. It also protects your scalp from dandruff and itching. This oil is madeup of 25 Ayurvedic ingredients. By applying this oil on your scalp regularly for 30 days you will notice great changes like growth of new hair reducing hair fall reducing dandruff and itching it will make your hair grow long and thick and all your dandruff and itching problems will be reduced after 30 days to gain these all benefits you need to use minimum 30 days. This is a parachute company ayurvedic oil so you can trust on this. It is made up of blending 25 ayurvedic herbs. It is also available in different sizes. I’m using this oil from past one year and I got many changes my hair fall reduced, thickness of the hair increased and the dandruff issue is totally gone firstly I used to have itching on my scalp now after using this oil the itching is completely gone. If your having all this problems then you need to try Parachute Ayurvedic once.

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Classified ads listing Sat, 05 Oct 2024 08:41:08 +0000 […]]]> Navaratna hair oil is the world’s number 1 cooling oil for hair it is a ayurvedic product it is made up of by blending 9 ayurvedic herbs that is Ashwagandha, Bring Raj, Lata Kasturi, Amla, Peppermint Satva, Saileya, Japa Pushpa, Karcura, Brahmi. It is very useful in human life especially when your very stressed or tired by applying this on your scalp you will feel relaxed and rejuvenated. It also helps in decrease in hair fall and will avoid dandruff. By applying this regularly on your scalp you will see great results your hair will become thick and strong. It will keep you cool in hot summer times. It’s the world’s best cooling oil. I’m applying this from many years I got massive changes in my hair. If you want to try the cooling oil I’ll suggest you to use Navaratna hair oil.

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Ad Posting Sites Sat, 05 Oct 2024 02:30:37 +0000 […]]]> L.G. Compounded Asafoetida powder is one of the top Asafoetida powder it is also famously known as Hing. L.G. means Laljee Godhoo it is manufactured at Andheri Mumbai. It is used in curries in some food items for better taste by adding this the taste of the food completely changes. It is made with gum Arabic, wheat flour, Asafoetida it may contains wheat so some allergic people should avoid this. It is completely vegetarian product. It is a very old and first Hing powder. It should be kept in cool and dry place in air tight container. I use this hing powder regularly.

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Online Classified ad Fri, 04 Oct 2024 12:41:08 +0000 […]]]> Tata tea is one of the hit tea powder in India. It was launched by Tata sons after launching this it gave much tough job for other tea brands because of its taste. It tastes wonderful made up of long leaves of Assam. Whenever I have headache I drink this tea so that it brings back me in good mood and makes me stress free. There are two other variants in tata tea that is tata care and tata Darjeeling all three variants are wonderful. It is available in all sizes. Before I was kept on changing different tea brands I didn’t like any of them after switching on tata tea powder I never changed again it was so amazing all my family members loved it.

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Free Classifieds Thu, 03 Oct 2024 13:30:42 +0000 […]]]> Weikfield is the No.1 brand it was established in the year 1956 it produces different types of products today I’m sharing about weikfield baking powder it is used to bake food items such as cakes, cookies, biscuits by adding baking powder to this the food items become more fluffy and delicious to eat. It should be stored in cool and dry place and should be kept in hygienic place. It may contain gluten or wheat so some allergic people should avoid this it is made with Sodium bicarbonate, sodium aluminum sulphate, cornflour. I use this weikfield baking powder in every bakery item so that it become more tasty and fluffy to eat.

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Everest company produces one of the best and natural spices Wed, 02 Oct 2024 17:35:56 +0000 […]]]> When it comes to masalas Everest company produces one of the best and natural spices to make different types of masalas. It is packed in India and supplied to some parts of the world. Today I’m sharing my experience about Everest chaat Masala the key ingredients used to make this mouth watering masala is Rock salt, compunded asafoetida powder, pomegranate seed, black salt, Dried mango, Bishops weed, cumin, Ginger. The chaat masala is used to sprinkle on fruits to make the taste better. You can also some other food recipes through this but it is mainly used to sprinkle on fruits to increase the taste. I’ve been using this from many years I’ve really liked this. It gives extra taste to the fruits.

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